Lyle Troxell

Software Engineer, Photographer, Maker, & Father

iPhone 6 and 6 Plus sizes

Starting work on the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 plus. I am working on a hybrid app. A native wrapper and a UIWebView with my main code in HTML/JS/CSS. But for this testing I am simply doing a mobile safari home-screen bookmark.

iPhone 6 Plus in portrait from the web context in JavaScript:

window.screen.width === 414;
window.screen.height === 736;
window.innerWidth === 414;
window.innerHeight === 716;

iPhone 6 Plus in landscape from the web context in JavaScript:

window.screen.width === 414;
window.screen.height === 736;
window.innerWidth === 736;
window.innerHeight === 414;

A few things are interesting here:

  1. The window.screen.width / height stay the same. The iPhone 6 Plus
  2. In landscape the web app goes full screen, with no status bar.